Viagra- Bring Good Things To Life

Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a person is unable to get and maintain an erection. Many men all over the world face this issue but choose to keep quiet about it as in many parts of the country talking about this disorder is still considered a taboo. People believe that the only cause of the issue is aging and cannot be cured. But aging can only increase the chances of the person to suffer from this disorder. There are a number of causes that can make a person suffer from erectile dysfunction. And Viagra has been proven effective against treating all kind of impotence in a person. So if you too are one such person and wish to treat your condition right then using Viagra is the right way to treat this disorder and you can buy Viagra online.

Erectile Dysfunction

Facing problem with your erection at times is normal and happens almost everyone, but if the situation is persistent then it can be a permanent condition and thus needs the right medical attention. Suffering from this disorder can make the person stressed and can also affect his confidence. Many a time this can also affect his relationship with his partner. The main symptoms of the of this disorder are-
·        Difficulty getting an erection
·        Difficulty keeping an erection
·        Having a less sexual desire
Getting an erection is a complex process which involves many different hormones, emotions, brain, muscle, nerves and the blood vessel. Having an issue in any of these can make the person suffer from erectile dysfunction. And in people suffering from mental disorder, it can even worsen. Physical factors which cause impotence in a man are-
·        Diabetes
·        High cholesterol
·        Obesity
·        Multiple sclerosis
·        Using tobacco products
·        Sleep disorders
·        High blood pressure
·        Clogging of the blood vessel
·        Alcohol addiction
·        Using certain medicines

How Does Viagra Works?

The use of Viagra is usually limited to treating erectile dysfunction in a person. The key compound of the medicine is Sildenafil which is a PDE-5 inhibitor. It is seen that in people suffering from erectile dysfunction the blood vessel gets clogged thus affecting the free flow of the blood into the area. And to maintain a hard erection it is very important to have a good flow into the organ. This medicine thus relaxes the blood vessel and let the proper flow of blood into them. The main motto of the medicine while developing it was to treat high blood pressure in a person. But on clinical trials, it was proven to have shown better performance in people with impotence. However, the medicine only works when there is a sexual stimulation present. This drug is the brand name for sildenafil and is produced by Pfizer.

Dosage Of Viagra

Viagra should be taken about 30 minutes to 1 hour before getting physical. As doing so you will allow some time for the medicine to work on your system. On taking the pill for the first time, try to stay relaxed and calm after the intake of the medicine. And make sure you do not put any kind of mental pressure on yourself while taking Viagra. As doing so will reduce the effect of the medicine. And this pill should be taken only one time in a day. Taking more than that will cause overdose on the person which will complicate the condition even further. The recommended dosage for beginners is 100mg of Viagra and do not change the dose of the medicine without consulting a doctor.

Discuss With Your Doctor

·        Men with heart and kidney disorder should not take their condition lightly and should first discuss with their doctor before starting taking Viagra.
·        Avoid talking grapefruit with Viagra
·        If you are a drug or an alcohol addict then mention about it to your doctor
·        Do get drunk while taking Viagra
·        If you are about to have an surgery then tell your doctor about the same

Side Effect Of Viagra

They are unwanted symptoms that are seen in people taking any kind of medication. The side effects of Viagra are not very serious but it is still important to visit a doctor on seeing any kind of discomfort on taking Viagra. Some of the commonly seen side effects of Viagra are-
·        Muscle pain
·        Vomiting
·        Dizziness
·        Itching
·        Allergic reaction
·        Rash
·        Confusion
·        Mood swings
·        Dryness of skin
·        Chest pain
·        Palpitation
·        Agitation
·        Muscle degeneration


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