Body pain is one of the most common issues faced by humans today. Now we are all so dependent on the modern technologies that we hardly make time to get some physical exercise. We are now either sitting in front of our computers or busy with our phones. Even the younger generation spends more time playing games on the computer rather than playing outside in the open space. Thus all this pile up and cause body pain in a person. Many a time the pain becomes so severe that a person finds it difficult to even completes his/her basic chores. So the right way to treat such condition is by using TRAMADOL. Now all of us have life goals and targets, and none of us can just sit back and relax just because we are suffering from a body pain, therefore it is very important to rightly treat the problem. If you too are facing such an issue and wish to buy this product then you can buy Tramadol online.


Body aches are common symptoms that are seen due to a number of factors. The flu is one of the most common reasons that cause body pain. Moreover, since muscle is present all throughout our body, therefore, muscle ache is commonly seen and experienced. Some of the most common cause of muscle pain are-
•    Muscle tension that can occur in one or more part of the body
•    Injury in the muscle
•    Overusing the muscle
•    Stress can also cause body ache. When you are stressed out the immune system of the body is not able to control the inflammation response of the body.
•    Our bodies can only function well when we take enough amount of water throughout the day. Failing to so can cause physical pain in the body
•    A good sleep is very important to maintain a good and healthy life. A lot of functions are carried out in our body when we sleep. Therefore when we are sleep deprived we can experience body pain.


Tramadol is very efficient in relieving moderate to severe pain. The mode of action if this medicine is similar to opioids and thus works by targeting the brain and changing the way your body feels and responds to the pain. On intake of the medicine, the formulation of the medicine is immediately released in the body. This medicine is a common serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Thus it acts by binding to the opioid receptor of the neuron. It is then converted to desmatramadol in the liver, and further becomes a more potent form of the drug. This medicine is seen to be well established as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Many studies have shown that it acts as a serotonin releasing agent. Also, the serotonin releasing effects of the Tramadol can be blocked by a high concentration of the serotonin reuptake inhibitor. This pill also acts as a norepinephrine releasing agent ( a type of drug that is used to induce the release of norepinephrine from the pre-synaptic neuron into the synapse.


This medicine is primarily used to treat mild to severe pain (either acute or chronic).  The analgesic effect of the medicine takes about one hour to come into effect. It takes about 2 to 4 hours to reach the peak after the intake of the medicine. The effect of Tramadol lasts for about 6 hours. In many cases, Tramadol is used as a second line treatment for fibromyalgia.


•    It is an oral medicine and thus should be taken by mouth
•    It should not be taken with alcoholic beverages
•    It should be taken with lukewarm water
•    Do check the expiry date of the medicine before taking it
•    If you have taken in a fat-rich diet then it will take more time by the body to metabolize the medicine
•    The medicine should be taken as a whole and thus do not break it
•    It should not be taken intravenously


•    Pregnant and lactating women usage- the use of Tramadol for pregnant women is usually not advisable as it can cause a reversible effect in the infant. There are also chances of miscarriage in women taking Tramadol during their pregnancy. Whereas for lactating mother the use of Tramadol is not advisable as it crosses the blood flow and reaches the breast milk of the mother. It is seen that about 2.88 % of the dose that is taken by the mother goes into the child through breastfeeding.
•    During labor and delivery- the use of Tramadol is generally not used during delivery as it has a long-lasting action. The ratio of the mean concentration of the medicine present in the fetus compared to that of the mother given during labour pain is about 94.
•    Children- it is generally not advisable to give Tramadol to your children but even if you wish to do, then consulting a doctor before giving it to your child is advisable.
•    Elderly- in elderly people, the use of Tramadol can cause respiratory depression and can also cause cognitive impairment in the person. Therefore it is advisable to consult a doctor before giving Tramadol to an elderly person.
•    People with liver and kidney failure- people who have a history of liver and kidney disorder should not take the medicine without consulting a doctor as in such people the components of the pill might not effectively get metabolized in the liver. And the elimination process of the component by the kidney may also be affected. 


Side effects are always associated with all the medicines that we take. As all of us have a different immune response to a particular component thus everyone reacts differently on taking the medicine. Some of the most commonly seen side effects that are associated with Tramadol are-
•    Nausea
•    Dry mouth
•    Dizziness
•    Indigestion
•    Vertigo
•    Vomiting
•    Abdominal pain
•    Constipation
•    A headache
•    Drowsiness
Though none of the above-mentioned side effects are life-threatening, still whenever you notice it, do visit a doctor.


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