It need not be mentioned as to how important our sleep is to a human body. even though it seems when we sleep all our body stops working, but it actually is a myth. Even in our sleep all our organ and organ system are constantly working. It is the time when our body heals and repairs itself. It is also responsible for producing ATD which is broken down by our body to produce energy.  an average person needs a beauty sleep of about 8 hours for a proper functioning of the body. but in many cases, it is seen that some people even after a good sleep find it difficult to stay active and awake. Such people are actually suffering from a condition called hypersomnia (a kind of a sleep disorder). We all live a busy life. We all have targets to meet and dreams to achieve. And we in no means surrender all our wishes to a disorder that can be completely treated.   The best way to solve this matter is by taking waklert. This medicine safely targets the brain and its neurotransmission. But before discussing how this works, let’s first see what really causes hypersomnia. There is a lot of factors that contribute to this condition such as overweight, low thyroid functioning, and head injury. In medical conditions such as sleep apnea may also cause hypersomnia, as such a person might have to wake up a number of time as they find it difficult to breathe at night. It is also seen that people who regularly use alcohol or drugs can find it difficult to sleep.


The active ingredient of waklert is Armodafinil. It is well tolerated in human beings and is considered safe for human consumption. The dosage of armodafinil can vary from 50 to 250mg. Along with that, the inactive ingredients are sodium, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, and povidone.


Hypersomnia is a condition where you feel sleepy all day long. Hypersomnia is also known as excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). People suffering from this condition faces difficulty from staying awake during the day. It is often seen that people suffering from hypersomnia have the ability to fall asleep at any point in time. They can fall asleep at work or meeting or even when they are driving. They are also seen to suffer from other sleep-related problems like having a lack of energy or face difficulty in thinking clearly. Hypersomnia is generally of two types- primary and secondary. In Secondary hypersomnia, it is caused due to another medical condition. People suffering from this condition is seen to face difficulties in functioning all through the day because they are always tired and lacks the energy to work. Waklert is a smart drug who plays an important role in keeping you awake by binding in-vitro to dopamine transporter (DAT) and inhibits dopamine reuptake. Dopamine produced by the brain is therefore very important for regulating the sleep cycle in all animals.


It is always advisable to take the medicine after consulting a doctor, as it is always the doctors who know the best for you. It should not be taken over the counter. The following ways should be kept in mind while consuming the medicine-
   The medicine should be taken with water.
    It should be taken as a whole, without breaking it.
    It shouldn’t be taken with alcohol.
    People suffering from sleep apnea should take the medicine once in the morning
    It is advisable to People suffering from sleep disorder to take the medicine 30 minutes before the shift work.
    People with rotating shift work should consult their doctors before consuming the medicine.


When our body doesn’t react well with the body and responds with an immune response it is seen as a symptom. It generally causes a minor discomfort but is not life-threatening. Some of the commonly seen side effects associated with the medicine are listed below-
    People are seen to develop hypersensitivity
    A cause headache
    Can cause a headache
    It can cause nausea
    A patient might face difficulty in falling asleep
    Chest pain
    It can result in fever and chills
    Can develop confusion
    Unusual tiredness and weakness


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