9 Use of Viagra you probably didn't know about

The medical field has been taken to another level with the manufacture of Sildenafil, which is the generic form of the Viagra drug. This has made a man's life finally easier and they can now live with much ease without having the trouble of facing any kind of humiliation. This drug is generally known to treat mainly problems related to erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence but also has got many other uses. Whenever the topic of erectile dysfunction comes up, doctors, as well as patients, recommend the use of Viagra. Such is its popularity.

For a longer period of time in the past, the problem of erectile dysfunction was considered to be the curse of the gods for some wrong deeds done in the previous birth and this is how karma has paid the price.  But even then the saints and doctors could sense that this had to do something with mental imbalance. But in the medieval period, impotence or erectile dysfunction became the cause of divorce in certain people. The man was convicted and was charged in front of the court publicly and then had to get his body examined. If the court physician claimed that he was impotent the divorce would take place. Just imagine how much humiliation they had to face for being impotent which not even was their own choice. And it is not something that remained only in the past, similar instances (not being humiliated in the court but leading to divorce) is still common.
Viagra is a prescription drug. Generally, this medicine is easily available in all pharmacies and is also sold over the counter, but in some cases, the pharmacist might want to see the prescription. I can understand, this can cause havoc but there is no use in being angry about it. The pharmacist is just doing their work. I can give you an option here to buy Viagra online from any of the online pharmacy sites. This not only saves your effort and time but also makes you save a lot of money. This is because these online sites usually sell medicines at a discounted price.
Here is a list of uses the Viagra can have:

Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

This is the main reason for Viagra being so popular. Sildenafil belongs to the class of PDE-5 inhibitor that lowers the blood pressure of the body. The mechanism is like this because a person with erectile dysfunction or impotence usually has an irregular flow of blood in the body and mainly in the penile nerve which does not make the person attain a perfect erection during any kind of sexual activity. The lower blood pressure caused by the PDE-5 inhibitor relaxes the nerves and the muscles. This makes the person have a perfect erection. 

Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction induced by antidepressant

Drugs that are used for the treatment of various kinds of psychological factors like those related to major mental depression are called antidepressant. These are drugs used for curing the obsessive-compulsive disorders, sleeping disorders, eating disorders, mental tensions, anxiety disorders, migraine etc. Higher use of such kinds of drugs can cause erectile dysfunction because somewhere or the other, this is related to the cause behind erectile dysfunction.

Treatment of pulmonary hypertension

Viagra was launched in the market in the 1980's as a treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension. This is a disease in with the blood pressure increases in the arteries. Shortness of breath, tiredness, chest pain, fast heartbeat etc is some of its causes. The little blue pill that Viagra is, functions as lowering the blood pressure of the body and this is how a person is treated. This medicine was also used in the treatment of angina after the scientists started conducting a large number of experiments which made Viagra an ED pill.

Treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon

This is also an arterial disease in which the pressure of the body does not remain constant. The arteries then cause a reduced blood flow mainly to the hands and the toes. The other parts of the body are least affected in very rare cases this happens in the face. This PDE-5 inhibitor has a great role to play in treating such conditions and bring the blood pressure under control.

Recreational use

The popularity of Viagra all over the world has made this medicine to be used for recreational use. Even videos of its use, as well as pranks, have been uploaded to the social media sites. The idea that Viagra is the treatment of erectile dysfunction is also associated with that it can increase libido or the size of the genitals or can give a better sexual experience. These are false rumors and can affect a person's life. Do not play pranks on others as well as on yourself regarding any kind of medicine.


Just like the thought that Viagra can make a person excited, sportspersons (usually the professional ones) have used this medicine. Many have mentioned that Sildenafil drug lowers the blood pressure and relaxes the muscles which will help them in giving better performance. But this is not clinically accepted.

Treatment for jetlagged

Sildenafil is prescribed to people who have had got jetlagged. This has been at first experimented on hamsters, a type of rodent who were jetlagged and the scientists who did it were given the Ig Nobel Prize of aviation in 2007. Incredible isn't it?

There are fake Viagra too

The term Viagra has become so famous. There might be people who do not know what the medicine treats but will definitely know the name. The manufacturing company of this drug is Pfizer. Other than this, many other companies are manufacturing aphrodisiacs who call the pills to be herbal Viagra. These medicines are popularly called love drugs. They are used in increasing the sexual libido and has got nothing to do with erectile dysfunction.

Pink Viagra for women

Viagra is the only pill that is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in man as well as sexual dysfunction in females. But the pill is not the same. The Viagra for women is pink in color and should be taken only at the advice of the doctor.


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