Modafinil: A Good Enhancer of Cognitive Abilities

Smart drugs are used mostly for one reason and that is cognitive enhancement. Though they are actually approved as wakefulness-enhancers, people generally use them for improving their cognitive abilities. Enhanced cognitive abilities provide them with a competitive edge and help them to survive in this competitive world. Smart pills like Modafinil provide healthy people with enhanced cognitive functions. It provides them with a greater mental boost and enhances their social confidence and motivation.

Modafinil is a prescription drug and a schedule IV controlled substance as well. One must buy Modafinil online only after getting a prescription to buy it from a doctor.

Modafinil is one of the most popular smart drugs among people today. It is known as the student drug or the king of smart pills. This smart pill received approval from the FDA in the year 1998 and is sold widely across the whole United States. This is a generic oral smart pill approved for the 
treatment of sleep disorders. It is sold under various brand names namely Provigil, Modvigil, and Modalert.

Approved Uses of Modafinil

This generic smart pill is approved for treating three sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, shift-related sleep disorders and obstructive sleep apnea. This drug does not completely cure these sleep disorders in people but helps them to get over their tiredness or fatigue caused by these sleep disorders. This smart pill helps the victims of the sleep disorders to remain wakeful and alert during their working hours. It starts its work after about 30-45 minutes after consumption and lasts for 12 hours in a day. So, it is advised that people take this smart pill in the morning or in the early afternoon.

Those people who have no sleep disorders must not use this smart drug for making any kind of delay in their sleeping time.

How should you take this Oral Smart Pill?

  • ·         You can consume this oral smart pill irrespective of your mealtime. Take it with a glass of water. Do not take the pills by breaking, spitting, chewing, inhaling or injecting them.
  • ·         Avoid taking this smart pill with alcoholic beverages or with street drugs. This can lead to severe dizziness if you consume them in such a way.
  • ·         If you have medical conditions like narcolepsy or sleep apnea in people, then you can take this smart drug once a day in the morning or in the early afternoon.
  • ·         Those who have work shifts can take this smart drug an hour before their work shifts. The rotating shift workers, however, should ask their doctor about the right time of taking this oral smart pill.
  • ·         Do inform your doctor about your medical history before using this smart pill. Tell your doctor if you have a habit of consuming alcoholic products regularly.
  • ·         You are advised to not share this drug with people mainly those people who have a problem of drug or alcohol addiction. Modafinil can be addictive. So, such people have greater chances of misusing this smart drug.


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