Migraine Vs Headache

Migraine and Headache are similar to each other in the sense that both of the pain is related in the head. Although the pain that Migraine causes is unbearable and long lasting but in the case of Headache it doesn’t last for long and it’s not always unbearable. A Migraine can be mild or severe headache on forehead. It can last for hours or even days. Migraines are very common problems in America. According to the survey made by AMA (American Migraine Association) about 36 million American’s which is about 12% of the total population affected by Migraine. The common symptoms for the migraine are headache. Migraine is generally seen or occurs on one side of the head. The pain for migraine increases from mild to severe. Those pains when it’s unbearable come to severe. Symptoms of Migraine A commonly known symptom of Migraine is Headache. Some of the unknown symptoms of Migraine are: · Mild to Severe Pain on t...