Resveratrol as Painkiller
What is Resveratrol? It is a natural compound which is found in peanuts, blueberries and other berries. It is a very useful antioxidant produced by some plants to protect themselves from natural calamities. Antioxidant neutralizes the radicals which are caused by aging. Japanese knotweed is the plant with the highest source of Resveratrol. In the research made by IARS it is confirmed that the resveratrol might become a useful addition to clinical pain management approaches specially those patient with chronic and severe pain. Resveratrol -- the same natural polyphenol found in red wine preserves the potent pain-relieving effect of morphine in rats that have developed morphine tolerance, suggests a study in the October issue of Anesthesia & Analgesia , official journal of the International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS). The pain is very common to most of the people as it can be of various types: Back Pain Neck Pain Joint Pain